Sunday, September 25, 2005

Hi there.

It's been a while since the last post, and not much has happened to me in the meantime. I've been doing school work, a little bit of writing... the new season of JLU has started and while I enjoyed the premiere episode, the second episode of the hour-long block left me a little cold. Still waiting to find last night's episodes somewhere.

In other news, JLU story editor, producer, writer Dwayne McDuffie is doing a Fantastic Four book, which should be pretty good. He's a really cool guy, and a heck of a writer.

So... not much to report on. I'm hoping to find the JLU DVD, but haven't had much luck so far. I should get it soon though, since there's a lot of DVDs coming out this fall and I only have so much disposable income.

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