Sunday, April 23, 2006

Hi there

Hi. So, I found a few issues of the 2000-2001 Static Shock mini-series. I'm glad I spent that half hour wading through the back issue bins tracking them down -- even if I did only find issues 1 and 3 -- because they're well worth it. And luckily I found the first issue, which I have yet to find online, at least at a reasonable price. Speaking of which, I think the the comic shop I found the books at in Niagara is jacking up the prices on the books a little too high. The five back issues cost twenty bucks, and even then they were all from the 50% off boxes. If the selection weren't so good I probably stop going there.

On an unrelated note, here's an interesting link for anyone that stumbles upon my blog my mistake (since that's about the only traffic I'm sure I get). Pretty funny stuff from Simpsons and Frasier writer Ken Levene.

Have a good day.

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