Monday, May 29, 2006

Back from Santa Fe

So, I got back from my trip to Santa Fe. It was lovely down there -- I stayed in the heart of the downtown at the La Fonda and it was gorgeous. Nice food, friendly people. Much more pleasant than the flight down there. I flew on Southwest Airlines, the WORST airline I've ever flown on. The seats are way too small and on a first-come, first-serve basis and even then they board by letters A, B, and C (I had a C getting there). If that weren't enough the flight attendants were snippy and the people in Kansas city -- one of several stops along the way, no direct flights here -- were real jerks. On the way home my table tray was on an angle and my cranberry juice got all over my pants and poured into my open bag all over my books. But Santa Fe was great. I'm never flying Southwest again though, and will always fly direct if I can help it. Again though, Santa Fe was great.

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