Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Marvel Delays "One More Day"

So, Marvel's issued a press release today, announcing a second set of delays to the story that's going to "shake Spider-Man's foundation to the core!™"

The books were supposed to come out weekly in August, with the final issue in the first week of September. Then the first weeks of September, October, November and December. Now the final two issues are set to arrive the last weeks of November and December. I'd like to think this would be the last delay, but I wouldn't be surprised if the last issue came out next year.

At least the fan commentary on a book that artist and Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Quesada touted earlier in the year as coming along nicely has made up for having to wait another month for the next part.

Here's probably the best thing I've heard on the subject: "It's also not lost on me that because of this crossover and its delays, there will be two months with only one Spider-Man title out there for me to sell instead of just the one. If they had kept Sensational and Friendly alive during this event then we could at least be selling those."

Read more here.

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