Monday, October 06, 2008

"The Simpsons" on Election '08

Funny, but wouldn't Homer have voted for McCain. Come on, an easily impressed "Joe-Sixpack" with conservative values who once bought several copies of an album because he was warned if he didn't "Al Qaeda would win"? This is from the upcoming Halloween special though, so you can chalk it up to the fact things are generally askew in those episodes.

On another note, despite my (some would say fervent) interest in the 2008 US election, I'm pleased to say that I've arguably spent more time following my own national election than I have before. Not enough to bother blogging about it or anything, but more than I've spent the last few times I've voted. Why I even watched a few minutes of one of our debates before tuning out because it was in french.

(And don't get mad for the Joe-sixpack bit -- I borrowed it from Sarah Palin.)

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