Saturday, January 10, 2009

My New Year

Although I'm only a week into the new year, I feel oddly like this year might be a good one. I find that particularly unusual as I'm not generally a "9" guy -- when it comes to years and months I have more success with "4"s, "5"s, and "8"s. But despite the severe back problems I've been afflicted with, I've already gotten a few outstanding items off my personal checklist and, in the process of improving a few things for the betterment of my back, have improved my overall quality of life. For instance, instead of using a converted side-table as a desk as I have for the last while, I found a desk at Ikea that is nicely economical size-wise and only cost me thirty bucks. Not only that but I have the old side table as a clutter-solver in place of the old desk chair I was piling stuff on. All things considered I'm feeling positive about the direction this year is headed in. Here's hoping that isn't a sign something horrible is going to happen to me in the not-to-distant future, and that my twisted lower vertebrates compensate for any dreadful eventualities.

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