Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Ending to Every 1980's Movie in Four Minutes (with bonus footnotes)

80's Ending

It's funny, because I think I might actually have greater awareness of the clichés demonstrated in this clip because of videos like this one that rip on these clichés.* Not that I haven't seen my fair share of 80s teen comedies and the like ("Revenge of the Nerds", "Just One of the Guys"... ah... when did "If Looks Could Kill" come out?)**, but I was too young to see these movies when they were coming out, and by the time I was a teenager all I could see was the stuff they lampoon here.*** Now I'm actually a little scared at the thought that in ten years someone will dissect "American Pie", "Never Been Kissed", and "She's All That" and all of the teen comedies that came out in my formative years and point out how ridiculous they were, even if they tried to jump the gun on that sort of thing with that "(Fill in the Blank) Movie" spoof they did about a decade ago (which would probably be included in the dissection anyway).****

* Like South Park's "Asspen", which introduced me to the 'regular guy competing against arrogant jock and winning the heart of the dorky-but-hot-girl'.
** Just remembered "Say Anything" and "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", but they weren't that bad.
*** Being a teenager in the savvy and cynical late-90s, early-00s, as I was.
**** This film being a reflection of my generation's savviness and cynicism toward the genre, because, really we all knew how lousy these movies were as they were coming out but went to see them anyway.

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