Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Here's Where I Talk About Nachos

I'm not dumb. Even with the tomato and lettuce and all that nachos can't be that great for you. But I do enjoy a good plate of nachos. I suppose I could make them at home, but I'm a lazy eater; when I'm hungry I'm all business, no frills, from the fridge to my plate. Getting from hunger to food with the shortest distance and all that. Not that I short-change meals or anything, but I eat as I'm cooking, usually going from one bit of food to the next. That sounds pretty bad, but it works. I start with rice or vegetables and prepare the more complicated course while I'm having that. So I usually have nachos at restaurants. But even then, that's infrequent, because, like I said I'm all business when it comes to meals.

When I go to a restaurant it's for something substantial. Not nachos which I'd probably have too much of and fill up on them, throwing the whole meal off. That said, there are times when I go to a restaurant specifically for nachos -- there's a great place a few minutes from home that has a great nacho platter that I enjoy every now and then. I still wish I could have nachos more often, but I guess if I had it with greater frequency it'd lose the punch when I do have them, and I'd probably feel more guilt about all that cheese and such.

And that's me talking about nachos. Don't worry, I promise the next post will be slightly more interesting. Unless you're a nacho enthusiast, in which case this must've been something else for you, huh.

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