Monday, October 12, 2009

Thoughts on a Saturday Morning

I was up early this past Saturday and Sunday and I noticed two things while checking out cartoons both mornings.

1) Sunday mornings have better programming than Saturdays these days. Not that the Saturday morning really matters all that much these days when you have 24 hour cartoon networks and other specialty channels offering similar programming, but when did this all happen? Not only that, but only ABC and CBS air Saturday morning programming anymore, and even then it's either stuff aimed at the coveted 3 to 5 year old demographic or live action Disney Channel pap. What happened to FOX Kids (see above) or ABC's One Saturday Morning or NBC's live action bad sitcoms? X-Men and Spider-Man and Batman shouldn't be on Sundays. They should be on Saturdays, followed by Three Stooges reruns. And I'd like to think the fact I'm only half serious makes this more palatable than the other crackpots in their mid-twenties who waste time griping about Saturday morning cartoons.

2) I saw a Barbie commercial that featured Aqua's Barbie Girl song. As someone who remembers how Mattel tried suing Aqua over it, that is hilarious. I'd like to think there's someone at Mattel who can appreciate the irony that they're forking over cash to Aqua after all that business.

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