Saturday, April 10, 2010

Updates? (again)

Hi there. Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. Haven't a whole lot to say is all, I suppose. Things've been fine lately. Not the greatest, but I've been writing, or at least trying to, and I've started, for some reason or another, adapting my TDSA (The Teenaged Defending Squad of America) screenplay into a comic book, making use of my fairly unimpressive drawing skills. I'm hoping to get through the first act and go from there, and I'm already ten pages in, with another ten laid out and ready to go. I'll post pages at some point I'm sure. By the way, I assure you that TDSA is better than it sounds. I mean, it's as corny as you're thinking (probably), but it's not terrible. I promise.

Anyway, to make up for the absence, here's the trailer for the hilarious "thriller" Birdemic. Oh my god, this thing is hilarious. Ha. Ah... but seriously, it looks pretty awful.

Have a good day.


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