Tuesday, June 28, 2005

About the Other Day

Hi there.

Meanwhile, there isn't much to report on my front. I got together with John, Edmond, and Sean the other day. We went to "Time-Out" (possibly the worst name for a sports bar next to "3rd Quarter") and the guys drank while we played pool. I even played a round in between picking songs on the jukebox. The guys had a few beers at John's place before we arrived at T.O so by the time we left they were pretty loaded. We looked around John's basement a bit too -- I saw a bunch of his old toys from the 80s, he has a complete set of Superfriends that I'd love to take off his hands, but he's too stubborn to sell. I'd just take them, but he would actually notice they're gone.

Aside from that, I went to Sobey's. They still sell comics there so I got the latest issue of Peter David's Hulk, which is amazing. I'll definitely be getting the next issue. It's a real gem and recommended for anyone who comes across this blog (yeah, right).

Yesterday I went to the unveiling of the Ellen Fairclough stamp with my grandmother (yup, I'm super cool). There was a full buffet spread and the food was surprisingly good. And the dessert was incredible.

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