Tuesday, October 02, 2007

"Who is the Best Flash" Poll

There's a neat poll going on over at the Occasional Superheroine site, asking readers which Flash would like to see take the lead if DC Comics were to do a fresh-start reboot of the character. The question comes from the fact that there've been about four different Flashes over the years.

The first Flash, Jay Garrick, who first appeared in the 1940s and is still around today thanks to some complicated explanation that probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

The second Flash, Barry Allen, who first appeared in the 1950s, killed his arch-enemy the Reverse-Flash, retired to the future, and died saving the universe in the first DC Crisis.

The third Flash, Wally West, formerly Barry Allen's sidekick Kid-Flash and assumed the mantle after Barry died, and who, thanks to some wacky explanation, has ten year old kids while still being in his mid-20s.

And the fourth Flash, Bart Allen, named for his grandfather Barry, formerly known as Impulse, then Kid-Flash to Wally's Flash, and who briefly assumed the Flash identity when Wally went missing until he was beaten to death.

I voted for Wally. True, Wally was the Flash when I started reading comics so there's that kind of attachment to the character, but he's a really great character besides. Wally's just an average guy who's a superhero because he loves being a superhero. He's a bit of a smartass and makes mistakes here and there, but he's also a good honest guy. I really, really hate to say it since it's a total cliche, but Wally's the everyman of the DCU.

I could defend the other Flashes and give reasons why any of them could head up a reboot of the character -- there are valid points for all three -- but Wally's my pick. Why not cast your vote here:


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