Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Recent News

So, the family get-together was fun, if not terribly aggravating -- people get unusually tense in my family when it comes to organizing parties. I just hung out with Kerr and Johnny for the most part, but I did sit in when the choir was here, and to hear a few of messer. Levy's stories -- FYI: he and the director of "The Man" didn't get along.

There was a bit of a fuss when word got out that Justice League was coming out on DVD but it wasn't going to be widescreen. In the three or four days since that announcement, Warner Home Video rescinded and said that everything from season two on would be WS. I'm okay with that though -- season one wasn't real widescreen anyway.

My column wasn't in the latest Cut and Print, nor have I heard back from Jake about my mini-interview with Eugene. I suspect something's off with my email, but I'll keep trying to get through.

Anyway, I'll check back soon. Have a good day.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Terribly Sorry

Hi there.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I haven't been up to much lately. Lost a little weight I suppose. Been doing some reading and a lot of time-consuming school work. Veronica Mars is gaining steam -- it's leading up to a great season. Alias and Arrested Development have been cancelled, unfortunately. Alias I can see; it's been in trouble for a while now and brining in new characters in familiar roles is a sign of desperation. DC's Infinite Crisis comics are great fun. I'm still reading some Marvel titles, but haven't been enjoying them that much lately.

Went to New York with Kerr and Johnny. We had a great time -- I saw Letterman with Kerr and was surprised by the fact that the show we saw was taped a week early. I wonder if that's how they always do the show. Johnny and I met Dr. Ruth and saw the Seinfeld diner. We did some walking and shopping around Times Square and had authentic New York pizza. All in all, we didn't do a whole lot in the four days we were there, but I had a great time nonetheless.

Eugene Levy is coming over to spend some time with my dad -- they're both old buddies from way back. A lot of other folks are coming over though so I don't think I'll be able to sell him on my fabulous screenplay ideas (he said self-mockingly but with a hint of seriousness).

I'll try to update more often, or at least when something fun and exciting happens.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Trinity Con

So, the TV preview was a bust. The main attraction was a pilot the guy from the market testing group claimed was a year or two years ago but was hopelessly cheesy and littered with bad acting, bad dialogue, bad editing, and that, quite frankly, looked at least a decade old. I attended the event with John and Sean, buddies from way back, and they believed the pilot, "Soulmates", to have been a soap opera (which would explain a lot), but I think it was just really, really, really bad primetime TV.

But on an entirely lighter and far more interesting note, I went to the Southfield, Michigan Trinity Con. It's mostly a gaming event for role-players and card game folks and all that, but the real attraction was that Dwayne McDuffie, prolific comic writer and story editor/writer on Justice League Unlimited, was there. I probably spent more time driving there and back than I did at the actual show, but it was worth it. I had a chance to chat with Mr. McDuffie and then attended a panel on JLU and the upcoming batch of episodes. I had an incredible time, and it was a real thrill to be able to talk to one of my favorite writers. He even remembered me from his message board and for the signed card he'd sent off from the San Diego Comic-con (another amazing thing I have to thank him for again).

Here's a couple of the interesting things I learned at the show, with all spoiler bits blotted out for you protection:

JLU's audience is 40 to 45 percent women, surprising because most action series are targeted toward boys while comedy-action series target girls. Shows like JLU are expected to pull in about a quarter female audience, so JLU is looked upon as a fluke.

Static Shock's Gameboy game is continually in flux. One week it's ready to ship, the next, it's being held up indefinitely. Additionally the next Static Shock DVD is unscheduled, despite the fact the first DVD outsold the first Teen Titans DVD volume released at the same time.

JLU producer James Tucker is hard at work prepping ***********. It'll be outside JLU continuity because *********** is on the team.

*********** will be appearing on JLU in a episode structured like the *********** that *********** used to appear in.

Bruce Timm is working on two original series right now.

Mr. McDuffie is working on a potential *********** series. Although other *********** characters will appear it won't be part of *********** continuity, and will have a more anime flavor.

Vague enough for you? Anyway, I had a great time. I found a few Suicide Squad and Hardware comics for sale from the only vendor selling comics at the show. I really, really enjoyed the Hardware issues and will keep an eye out for more in the future.

So, hopefully something equally interesting will happen in the next little while so I can tell all the people that frequent my blog about it. Until then...

Friday, October 14, 2005

Hi there.

So, Johnny, my "brother from another", got tickets to a TV pilot preview. I don't remember the details, but it had to do with his work at the Toronto Film Festival last month. I'll try to remember what happened so the imaginary visitors to my blog can get all the juicy details, but I'll probably have to sign a confidentiality agreement or something. I'd still like to write about it for my online feature writing course.

I'll get back to you on that later.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Religion and Politics

There are two polarizing topics I don't like to discuss: Religion and politics. Everyone has an opinion on both, and no matter what either side tells you, they're convinced they're right and if you don't agree with them, they'll hate you for it (even if they say they don't). Still, I've got to comment on Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court. It's just too much. I don't care much for the guy -- Iraq, Katrina, et al -- but nominating someone with zero judicial experience, likely (and this is where my reasoning behind not discussing politics comes into play) so she has no background for opponents to draw from or accuse her of flip-flopping, and definitely because she's a family friend, is a horrible way to make decisions. It's times like these I'm glad to be Canadian, because Bush isn't even trying anymore. He just does whatever the Hell he wants when he wants.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest...

Monday, October 10, 2005


Button passed away last week. She was a great little puppy and my best friend. We'll all miss her.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Hi there.

It's been a while since the last post, and not much has happened to me in the meantime. I've been doing school work, a little bit of writing... the new season of JLU has started and while I enjoyed the premiere episode, the second episode of the hour-long block left me a little cold. Still waiting to find last night's episodes somewhere.

In other news, JLU story editor, producer, writer Dwayne McDuffie is doing a Fantastic Four book, which should be pretty good. He's a really cool guy, and a heck of a writer.

So... not much to report on. I'm hoping to find the JLU DVD, but haven't had much luck so far. I should get it soon though, since there's a lot of DVDs coming out this fall and I only have so much disposable income.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


I have a cold and feel terrible. My whole body aches and my nose is totally conjested.

But on a lighter note, I've been watching the third season of "The Shield" and enjoying it.


Thursday, August 25, 2005


"Sweeney Todd" wrapped up and I can't say I'm too broken up. The show was actually very well done -- the cast did a fantastic job and the music, costumes and sets were all well done. I'm not eager to watch another version since I'm afraid the Theatre Aquarius show spoiled me (that and watching with an all youth cast will undoubtedly make a regular performance's cast seem woefully aged). But most of the time I felt like a redundancy around the set and since most of my work was really behind the scenes no one had any idea who I was or what I did (outside of being that creepy guy sitting back stage). I shouldn't have been too surprised, knowing theatrical actors and their elitest tendencies, but I suppose it's my own fault for going along with it.

I hope I don't seem too bitter or anything. Honestly it was a nice change of pace and something to add to the c.v, but most of the time it felt like everyone was in on the joke except me. As I've related, I felt like I was surrounded by people, but still felt totally alone.

And on that wonderfully depressing note...

Blondie's 75th

Apparently the Blondie comic strip is celebrating it's 75th anniversary so there's this big event going on the strip and just about every other comic to commemorate the event. It's kind of neat, talking Garfield aside.

(Image taken from Mark Evanier's blog

Friday, August 19, 2005

Dammit. This is what I get for reading all those Betty and Veronicas.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

This and That

The Teen Choice Awards are on right now. I watched long enough to watch Jesse McCarthy and Mischa Barton present the "It Girl" award to Alexis Bleidel. Now I know the latter is one of the Gilmore Girls, but who the hell are the other two? Again I'm completely baffled, but at least I'm old enough to chalk it up to being out of touch rather than being hopelessly square, although I'm probably right on both counts.

The production of Sweeney Todd I'm working on as a PA is going all right. I still resent the utter elite-ness given off by the theatre actors, but still find enough to keep me busy otherwise. There was a party the other day at someone's house that I found out about after the fact that's made me pretty cheesed off though. Have I mentioned how much I hate actors?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Is it just me...

Am I the only one who doesn't get Jude Law? Chris Rock doesn't get him either which means I'm in good company in thinking this, but do women really find the guy that good looking? And does he have to be in so many films? And what about cheating on his fiancee, the very fetching Sienna Miller?

I don't know... I guess I don't get Jude Law.

And I should write better blog entries.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Just Thinking...

There was this great short film I saw a few years ago called "Indefinitely". Looking back it probably wasn't as great as I remember (I did catch it at about five in the morning and even then came in a little late), but the punch-in-the-gut ending was perfect and the tone was just right for a romantic comedy. Unfortunately I haven't been able to catch it again, which may well be for the best, and it seems the official website is down, but if it's on and you have a chance to see it, I really recommend you do.

And in lieu of the website, there's a blog by the filmmaker, but it's a little out of date. http://bareruinedfilms.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Here's a special summer-time treat -- Button, the world's sort of greatest dog. It was her birthday last week, but she still looks like a puppy. It's like my brother says: "Button's just like a baby, except instead of wearing diapers, she poos outside."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hot and Heavy

I'm referring to the weather, sadly. In any case it's been extremely hot and humid lately. I made the mistake of walking home from Theatre Aquarius, where I'll be helping out for their upcoming August production of a period piece whose name escapes me, and I was so tired by the time I got home I thought I was going to pass out. I must have only been out in the actual sun for ten minutes or so, but I skin felt like it was roasting. I even started to get a headache, and my shirt was soaked. But aside from that it was fine, I guess.

More Infinite Crisis books out tomorrow. I gave a copy of the Countdown book to Edmond -- hopefully he'll enjoy it and want to read more. Anything to push comics on my friends so I'm not the lone comic-nerd in the group.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Why I Like San Diego

The first script I ever wrote to completion, TDSA - The Teenaged Defending Squad of America, was set in San Diego. Why, I don't know. I guess I liked the fact that it was a big city, but not so big, like say a Los Angeles or a San Francisco. I wanted a city that would accomadate superhero types, but also be small enough that I could easily set my script there at a minimum of research. Like most writers, I avoid research when possible, but I did actually look into San Diego quite a bit, although most of the research was cut from the final draft. I even placed a call to a San Diego info center for street names, something I've completely forgotten about and can't believe I actually did.

But anyway, the San Diego comicon is going on right now, the biggest, greatest comicon in North America, and the mecca at which the top publishers reveal their plans for the year and genre video game companies and film studios hock their wares. I haven't been, but I wish I could go, especially since the JLU creative team will be there: Bruce Timm, Dwayne McDuffie, James Tucker, Shaun McLaughlin, and Matt Wayne. Plus Paul Dini, prolific DCAU writer is signing in other areas. I'd LOVE to actually be able to meet Messers. Timm and McDuffie, and maybe even get a sketch from B.T, but that'll have to wait until I... have, uh... money.


Still sounds cool. Can't wait to see what gets unveiled.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Let's see...

Hi there. Not much to report really. Kerr got his Pee Wee Playhouse playset and unopened figures in the mail, but they haven't moved off the spot on the floor he unpacked them on.

I've been watching "His Girl Friday" on DVD -- the transfer is awful, like fourth generation VHS transferred to a barebones DVD awful, but I didn't buy the film for the quality. Besides, it was only six bucks anyway. I've been watching the Daily Show Indecision 2004 boxed set too. It's pretty good, but feels short. I think I may've watched the whole thing in two days. All I have left is to polish off the Election Night coverage, and I'm kind of dreading that since once that's over I'll have to find something else to watch. The Bewitched season set intrigues me since I hate watching colorized versions of those old episodes. Black and white all the way, and all that. Either that or Alias. Jennifer Garner is pretty.

I also got the "Kim Possible movie". About what you'd expect from a Disney Saturday morning cartoon, but I love the art style and animation, and the writing is often surprisingly clever.

I'll check back soon. Promice.

Promice? Promise. Promise.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

About the Other Day

Hi there.

Meanwhile, there isn't much to report on my front. I got together with John, Edmond, and Sean the other day. We went to "Time-Out" (possibly the worst name for a sports bar next to "3rd Quarter") and the guys drank while we played pool. I even played a round in between picking songs on the jukebox. The guys had a few beers at John's place before we arrived at T.O so by the time we left they were pretty loaded. We looked around John's basement a bit too -- I saw a bunch of his old toys from the 80s, he has a complete set of Superfriends that I'd love to take off his hands, but he's too stubborn to sell. I'd just take them, but he would actually notice they're gone.

Aside from that, I went to Sobey's. They still sell comics there so I got the latest issue of Peter David's Hulk, which is amazing. I'll definitely be getting the next issue. It's a real gem and recommended for anyone who comes across this blog (yeah, right).

Yesterday I went to the unveiling of the Ellen Fairclough stamp with my grandmother (yup, I'm super cool). There was a full buffet spread and the food was surprisingly good. And the dessert was incredible.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


So the season finale of Justice League aired on YTV tonight, and for the second time in as many months, YTV screwed up the airing by instead showing an infomercial and then "Snailympics" for the first five minutes of the show. No word if they'll be reairing it, which would be great since it was a spectacular episode.

Aside from not, not much else to report on. I've been thinking alot about Michael Reaves though, a Batman writer whose episodes I never really liked, they were mostly lower-key, realistic romps and his dialogue occasionally sounds tinny, but the more I think about it, and see his episodes again, I've found they're some of my favorites. "Bullet for Bullock", "Avatar", "Read My Lips", "Sideshow", "Vendetta" -- not the episodes of the classic series (now on DVD) that spring to mind, like say a "Heart of Ice", but all very solid with excellent animation. Definitely underrated as far as DCAU writers go, but right up there with the best of them.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Let's try this again...

I watched a bit of today's Jerry Springer, "I'm really a woman", or some such nonsense. And I literally mean watched -- I was talking to John, a big Spinger fan in the day, so much so that his email is still jerryspri@popularemailservice.com (I can't figure out how to not have the fake email highlighted like that. Sorry). Today's show was basically two out of shape women fighting over for a man John recognized as a heroine addict (the cheekbones, he says, are giveaways). Do people still watch Springer, because if it weren't for the odd flip into mid-broadcast I'd just as well assume it was cancelled back in 1998. Is there still an audience for that rubbish, a sentiment espoused by my dad back when I used to watch the show for fun as a teen, but that I now find myself feeling, or are the viewers merely folks like myself, viewing the show as an exercise of curiosity? Not that I expect an answer or anything...

The weather was nice today. Almost BC-esque -- blue skies, a nice breeze. It's warm inside so I've been using Kleenex to wipe my forehead, only to have bits tear off and get stuck to my face. So here's a notice: If you see me, and I have something stuck to my face that shouldn't me there, please, let me know.

Right well, hopefully I'll offer up more scintillating commentary soon. Have a good day.

My First Entry

Welcome to my, George Morrow's, blog. I plan on updating it every now and then with my ramblings, and with any luck the unfortunate though expected lapses in awkwardness will be rare if ever.


That title doesn't sound dirty, does it?

Right then.
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