Thursday, August 25, 2005


"Sweeney Todd" wrapped up and I can't say I'm too broken up. The show was actually very well done -- the cast did a fantastic job and the music, costumes and sets were all well done. I'm not eager to watch another version since I'm afraid the Theatre Aquarius show spoiled me (that and watching with an all youth cast will undoubtedly make a regular performance's cast seem woefully aged). But most of the time I felt like a redundancy around the set and since most of my work was really behind the scenes no one had any idea who I was or what I did (outside of being that creepy guy sitting back stage). I shouldn't have been too surprised, knowing theatrical actors and their elitest tendencies, but I suppose it's my own fault for going along with it.

I hope I don't seem too bitter or anything. Honestly it was a nice change of pace and something to add to the c.v, but most of the time it felt like everyone was in on the joke except me. As I've related, I felt like I was surrounded by people, but still felt totally alone.

And on that wonderfully depressing note...

Blondie's 75th

Apparently the Blondie comic strip is celebrating it's 75th anniversary so there's this big event going on the strip and just about every other comic to commemorate the event. It's kind of neat, talking Garfield aside.

(Image taken from Mark Evanier's blog

Friday, August 19, 2005

Dammit. This is what I get for reading all those Betty and Veronicas.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

This and That

The Teen Choice Awards are on right now. I watched long enough to watch Jesse McCarthy and Mischa Barton present the "It Girl" award to Alexis Bleidel. Now I know the latter is one of the Gilmore Girls, but who the hell are the other two? Again I'm completely baffled, but at least I'm old enough to chalk it up to being out of touch rather than being hopelessly square, although I'm probably right on both counts.

The production of Sweeney Todd I'm working on as a PA is going all right. I still resent the utter elite-ness given off by the theatre actors, but still find enough to keep me busy otherwise. There was a party the other day at someone's house that I found out about after the fact that's made me pretty cheesed off though. Have I mentioned how much I hate actors?
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