Friday, August 29, 2008

Four Things About the Sub-Mariner...

1. I'm glad he's started appearing more often in the black pants with black open shirt outfit (pictured above), as opposed to the green trunks (see #3).

2. The pronunciation of 'Sub-Mariner' as 'Sub-Mareener' in that awful Captain America movie gets on my nerves, something awful.

3. I'm surprised Marvel's never tried to give him a boy sidekick named "Subby". Seems a natural.

4. I passed by that guy dressed as the Sub-Mariner at the Toronto Fan Expo last weekend, and I don't know if it shows in the photos, but those shorts were really tight.

Re: Teen Titans #62

Through some odd twist of fate I happened to avoid the hoopla that briefly erupted online and read Teen Titans #62 before seeing the reaction to it's contents. Contrary to the image pictured above, the otherwise gentle story of the friendly trio of Wonderdog, Wendy and Marvin pictured above comes to a shocking end halfway through the issue when *spoiler* Wonderdog mauls Marvin to death and appears to eat Wendy.

A shocking twist, all things considered? Sure. It caught me totally off guard and the suspense building was handled remarkably well. That said, is it really the best idea for DC to put out a Teen Titans comic where this kind of thing happens? Some folks were concerned a parent would see the issue and pick it up based on the name recognition of the property (the Teen Titans cartoon isn't that old, and even reaired on the CW this summer) and the all-ages-ness of the cover. Not to mention that it's another notch on DC's ever-growing list of dead teenagers, and yet another example of the unnecessary bleak stories DC's been putting out for far too long.

Would I recommend this issue? Maybe to a friend who doesn't follow the Teen Titans comic to catch them off-guard. But to regular readers who are sick of DC's output of stories focusing on death, rape, and destruction, it's more of the same, and the tonal shift mid-way through might be enough to put them off DC altogether.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Long Weekend

Went to the Toronto Fan Expo this past weekend, and was awfully sore the next day. Most of that had to do with the four and a half hours I spent in various lines at the show (my feet and back were killing me), but my hands and left shoulder were also aching from lugging stuff around. Still, I got a few nice things including an Aquaman maquette for 25 bucks, a hardcover collecting the first Ennis/Dillon Punisher run for 15, and the Essential Godzilla for 5. Not to mention the stuff I got signed that almost makes up for time I spent in line to get them.

I also noticed that there was an almost surprising number of attractive women at the show. Granted from what I could tell they were either there for the Japanese anime stuff, with their boyfriends, or working, but curious nonetheless. After the fact I realized that both times I passed a woman in a skimpy metal bikini top handing out copies of a book titled "Looking for Group" (whatever that means), I unabashedly stared at her chest, but I can't say I feel too bad about that since, really, she wouldn't have worn that if she didn't want the attention. Still, in hindsight I could've been a little more discreet about the whole thing.

After a relatively unproductive Sunday spent soaking the tub for several hours, I wound up feeling pretty stuffed up for the first time this summer -- for all the discomfort caused by the moisture and humidity this summer, it's been nice actually being able to breath -- and slept through most of Tuesday doped up on Sinutab.

Finally here's a funny video I came across. Granted I'm not the biggest Danny Bonaduce fan (what's the deal with this guy anyway? Is he only known for the Partridge Family or did I miss something along the way) but it's kind of nice seeing him throw around that guy from Survivor.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

You know...

...I was just thinking about the Tangent: Superman's Reign comic book (issue 6 on sale now), and I'd probably buy a "Brave and the Bold" style title by Dan Jurgens and Jamal Igle. Don't know if Igle's going to stick with the title once his run on Supergirl starts up or if they've ever worked together before this title, but they're really gelling as a team and I'm really enjoying their takes on Green Lantern and the Flash (John Stewart and Wally West, specifically).

...I tried watching "Gossip Girl" Monday night, but couldn't make it more than ten minutes into the episode. Not that it seemed to be a bad show or anything, and not to say I don't enjoy the prime time teen soap (I watched a lot of the first season of "The O.C."), but I really couldn't get past the fact that the teenagers on the show looked older than I am. Is it really too hard to find actors to play teens that actually look like teens or are *gasp* teenagers themselves?

...Salt and vinegar Pringles aren't that great, especially after having the salt and vinegar Lay's Stax chips. Those are pretty good. The Pringles... not so much.

...The Daily Show and the Colbert Report are in reruns at the moment, which is a kick in the head, but on the bright side they seem to have picked up on this so there's fewer reruns these days than in years past. I'd still prefer they not just rerun the prior weeks episodes during a repeat week though. But I still watch it all the same, so who am I to complain?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

McCain: Dazed and Confused

Warning: May cause discomfort to his supporters and/or people with elderly relatives of negligible awareness.

Friday, August 08, 2008

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets