Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Is it just me...

Am I the only one who doesn't get Jude Law? Chris Rock doesn't get him either which means I'm in good company in thinking this, but do women really find the guy that good looking? And does he have to be in so many films? And what about cheating on his fiancee, the very fetching Sienna Miller?

I don't know... I guess I don't get Jude Law.

And I should write better blog entries.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Just Thinking...

There was this great short film I saw a few years ago called "Indefinitely". Looking back it probably wasn't as great as I remember (I did catch it at about five in the morning and even then came in a little late), but the punch-in-the-gut ending was perfect and the tone was just right for a romantic comedy. Unfortunately I haven't been able to catch it again, which may well be for the best, and it seems the official website is down, but if it's on and you have a chance to see it, I really recommend you do.

And in lieu of the website, there's a blog by the filmmaker, but it's a little out of date.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Here's a special summer-time treat -- Button, the world's sort of greatest dog. It was her birthday last week, but she still looks like a puppy. It's like my brother says: "Button's just like a baby, except instead of wearing diapers, she poos outside."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hot and Heavy

I'm referring to the weather, sadly. In any case it's been extremely hot and humid lately. I made the mistake of walking home from Theatre Aquarius, where I'll be helping out for their upcoming August production of a period piece whose name escapes me, and I was so tired by the time I got home I thought I was going to pass out. I must have only been out in the actual sun for ten minutes or so, but I skin felt like it was roasting. I even started to get a headache, and my shirt was soaked. But aside from that it was fine, I guess.

More Infinite Crisis books out tomorrow. I gave a copy of the Countdown book to Edmond -- hopefully he'll enjoy it and want to read more. Anything to push comics on my friends so I'm not the lone comic-nerd in the group.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Why I Like San Diego

The first script I ever wrote to completion, TDSA - The Teenaged Defending Squad of America, was set in San Diego. Why, I don't know. I guess I liked the fact that it was a big city, but not so big, like say a Los Angeles or a San Francisco. I wanted a city that would accomadate superhero types, but also be small enough that I could easily set my script there at a minimum of research. Like most writers, I avoid research when possible, but I did actually look into San Diego quite a bit, although most of the research was cut from the final draft. I even placed a call to a San Diego info center for street names, something I've completely forgotten about and can't believe I actually did.

But anyway, the San Diego comicon is going on right now, the biggest, greatest comicon in North America, and the mecca at which the top publishers reveal their plans for the year and genre video game companies and film studios hock their wares. I haven't been, but I wish I could go, especially since the JLU creative team will be there: Bruce Timm, Dwayne McDuffie, James Tucker, Shaun McLaughlin, and Matt Wayne. Plus Paul Dini, prolific DCAU writer is signing in other areas. I'd LOVE to actually be able to meet Messers. Timm and McDuffie, and maybe even get a sketch from B.T, but that'll have to wait until I... have, uh... money.


Still sounds cool. Can't wait to see what gets unveiled.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Let's see...

Hi there. Not much to report really. Kerr got his Pee Wee Playhouse playset and unopened figures in the mail, but they haven't moved off the spot on the floor he unpacked them on.

I've been watching "His Girl Friday" on DVD -- the transfer is awful, like fourth generation VHS transferred to a barebones DVD awful, but I didn't buy the film for the quality. Besides, it was only six bucks anyway. I've been watching the Daily Show Indecision 2004 boxed set too. It's pretty good, but feels short. I think I may've watched the whole thing in two days. All I have left is to polish off the Election Night coverage, and I'm kind of dreading that since once that's over I'll have to find something else to watch. The Bewitched season set intrigues me since I hate watching colorized versions of those old episodes. Black and white all the way, and all that. Either that or Alias. Jennifer Garner is pretty.

I also got the "Kim Possible movie". About what you'd expect from a Disney Saturday morning cartoon, but I love the art style and animation, and the writing is often surprisingly clever.

I'll check back soon. Promice.

Promice? Promise. Promise.

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