Sunday, March 30, 2008

In Lieu of Actual Content... Part V.

Hi there.

For about the fifth or sixth time, in lieu of actual content, because, let's face it, my week was so uninteresting it would bore you to hear the details of it, here're some funny, whimsical, and possibly annoying Youtube clips:

That said, I've been giving more thought to getting around to my earlier promise of writing about my dislike of people typing "ya" when they mean "yeah", especially since I had someone type that to me the other day. I may get around to that, yet.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hi there.

Still not feeling too good. Had a good day last Sunday -- I went to an Indigo book store with a couple of friends and got a few things to read and a Starbucks coffee. Had a nice dinner afterwards and even won a toy from a claw machine game. It's kind of been mixed since. Was riding the good day into the week, but it just got crummier after. My grandmother woke up with a sore back that got progressively worse until she had to go to the hospital. I spent about three hours with her and effectively screwed up my back on an uncomfortable chair in the process. Didn't sleep well last night and woke up aching and with a headache today. Still, the new episode of the Spider-Man cartoon wasn't bad, so there's that. Not feeling too good still. Hoping things get better, but I'm not overly optimistic. I think I need to get a new anti-depressant prescribed. I'm seeing my therapist on Thursday, so I'll bring it up then.

Anyway, hope to have more upbeat things to report on next time.

Friday, March 14, 2008

My Comforts This Week

Haven't been feeling too good lately. The whole business with my computer and a few bad days have brought me down and I haven't been able to get myself back up again. Hoping to have a good day this weekend to bring me up, but I'm getting by with what I have.

Coke Zero is pretty good -- tastes like regular Coke, but with the goodness of a diet drink. Can't tell you what a delight that is, since I love regular Coke but find the diet kind of flat.

I finally got around to reading Watchmen, and it lived up to all of my expectations and the hype and all that. Just an absolutely amazing piece of fiction. If anything, I'd say it was maybe a little underrated -- I was surprised by the wonderful character work, when I'd mostly been made aware of the story points and such.

And I had a couple of slices of Pesto Amore pizza from Pizza Pizza, and that stuff is always good. If you haven't tried it and you live in Ontario, I heartily recommend it.

That's my week. Such as it is. Hope there's more bright spots to come.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Yay! My computer's working again.

After being out of town for a week, I came back to a computer that crapped out on me an hour or two into getting caught up on a few of my usual online haunts. I finally got it running again yesterday and figured I'd stop by here since I still have that "updated weekly" thing at the top of the page. I should probably change that. Hm.

Anyway, nothing new has really happened lately. Had a good time in Windsor. Have been keeping busy since I got back. I did think of something worth posting the other day. Probably a rant about an advirtising campaign if the last couple of posts are any indication. I do have an idea for another post, something to the effect that people who write "ya" when they mean to say "yeah" are idiots, but I'll save that for another post and a less pleasant mood.
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