Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Reflective Thoughts on 2008

As I look back at the past year and the experiences that have shaped my life and current direction, my mind focuses on a select few I thought I'd share as 2008 comes to a close.

Although several of my favorite television programs were canceled this past year, I'm still pleased that Chuck hasn't been axed yet.

I've finally lived up to one of my perpetual resolutions and got out to the movies quite a bit this past year. Looking back, I suspect that had more to do with the number of interesting movies released more than a general desire to get out to the show, however.

As I wear my new pair of glasses with my updated prescription lenses, I begin to realize how much I must've been squinting when watching TV or movies with my old pair.

I've updated my list of fake names to include "Funky Buckwald" and "Dr. Quincy R. Mason", putting my total at five fake names to hold onto when the situation calls for it.

I still haven't gotten sick of Coke Zero, egg salad sandwiches, four cheese Bistro Crustinis, and fruit and yogurt bowls, despite the frequency with which I enjoy those food items.

I've unexpectedly found myself attracted to my barber, a comely young woman with a fondness for dyeing her hair and tattooing her hips. I think, more than all of the other indications offered throughout the year, that the fact I considered asking her out a sign that my troubles with depression are improving. And thanks to the wonders of the internet I was able to discover she's (sadly) currently attached, sparing me the embarrassment of asking her out and making things awkward, especially since she's 'almost' got my haircut right. If only that technology were around when I was in high school.

And then the obligatory ten ten list...

My favorite comic books of the past year (in no particular order):

True Believers (five issues, Marvel Comics)
Green Arrow/Black Canary (twelve issues, DC Comics)
Justice League of America (twelve issues, DC Comics)
Amazing Spider-Girl (twelve issues, Marvel Comics)
Captain America (twelve issues, Marvel Comics)
Avengers: The Initiative (twelve issues, Marvel Comics)
Shadowpact (five issues, DC Comics)
Captain Britain and MI13 (eight issues, Marvel Comics)
Ghost Rider (twelve issues, Marvel Comics)
Blue Beetle (twelve issues, DC Comics)

Hard to say which is my favorite of the lot, but there they are. Not to say I haven't also enjoyed X-Force, the Flash, Vixen, I Hate Gallant Girl, Manhunter, or any of the other series I regularly followed, but those are the ten that spring to mind when I'm thinking of titles I particularly enjoyed or put at the top of my reading pile.

And with that I conclude my personal year-in-review. Are there other things worth noting? Perhaps. An exciting story there, the fact I might be a published author under one of my fake names, the numerous games of online scrabble and wordscraper, the comfort and affordability of the Klobo... but what's the fun in boring you, humble reader, with minutia (however nice the Klobo's turned out to be). Here's to a decent year and the hope that the next will be better yet, and the fact I can finally get around to using two of my favorite seasonal jokes -- saying "wait 'til next year" on January 1st, and toasting to "peace on earth" just as an attractive woman walks by and saying "piece of that fine ass". Slightly crude, true, but amusing to me, no matter how often I pull that old chestnut out.

See you for now, and have a happy new year.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever holiday you may celebrate.

And now for your boxing day pleasure: cats boxing.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sorry for the Extended Absence...

Unfortunately I've been grappling with a rather annoying computer virus of late. I seem to have it under control, but my computer was running ridiculously slow and my Internet was shut down because, as it turned out, the virus was sending spam out. Of course, now that it's running fine again (after I explained what had happened to my local cable/Internet provider), I have the problem of not being able to see anything further than a foot away since my glasses broke a week and a half ago while I was cleaning them. I have another pair on it's way, and used the opportunity to get my lens prescription updated since my friends have noted that I tend to squint at the television even when wearing my regular glasses. The bright side of things running fine though is that my back's been giving me problems lately and feels much better when I'm sitting. Apparently one of my lower vertebrates is twisted, which explains why it feels like I'm being poked with pins in my lower back. My chiropractor checked things out and it's been feeling better since I saw him, so hopefully it subsides.

Despite all of these annoying and painful bits going on, other things have been all right. I got down to Niagara Falls last week and won a Marvin the Martian plush toy at a midway. I was thinking of giving it away as a present, but I might hold onto it. Not that I'm into plush dolls or anything, but I like the character and I can brag about having won it to all of my jackass friends (I'm just kidding, they're great).

I got my copy of the Batman Animated Series soundtrack in the mail the other day. I missed the chance to get an autographed copy, but I'm still glad I snagged one before they sold out. The music is great, and the distributor did a great job with the insert booklet, offering all kinds of trivia and commentary by the composers and crew from the show. I was actually surprised by some of the music -- I knew the more familiar cues, but there was a lot of stuff I barely noticed with all of the visuals and sound effects and dialogue that sounds unbelievably fantastic. I'm thrilled they finally put out what hopefully will be the first of many releases, since it deserves this kind of treatment.

I finished my Christmas shopping. Got a few things for my brother and friends, sent some cards and stuff out to my mom, got espresso beans for my dad. I still need to make sure I get something to my grandmother, but even if I don't have the opportunity to get her a more personal card, I still have a few smaller cards from a multi-pack I can give her. But for all intents and purposes, I'm done and I'm glad I didn't wait to the last minute or half-ass it like I have in past years. I think I was actually at the 24 hour Walmart last December 25th at 2:00am. While I'm not saying it wouldn't be fun to go to Walmart in the middle of the night, it's nice knowing I won't have to worry about last minute shopping this year.

That's about all the interesting stuff I've been up to since my last post. Hopefully I'll get back soon to make up for the infrequent posting lately. I'd hate to disappoint my loyal audience, because, yes that's right, I actually have someone following my blog. And just in case this post didn't come across terribly thrilling, here's something to make up for that:

Monday, December 08, 2008

Thoughts at the Moment

I saw the latest James Bond film a week back and enjoyed it quite a bit. Not the timeliest thing to be blogging about I suppose -- two weeks in release is a lifetime in blog years to finally get around to mentioning it -- but there you go. Curiously I thought of mentioning it after reading a brief review of the film with wrote of it negatively, the criticism having being due to the portrayal of James Bond in the film. Granted I didn't have a problem with it, and actually enjoyed Daniel Craig as Bond quite a bit.

To be honest though, my favorite bits probably had to do with the Quantum group, which seems to be the latest Bond iteration of Spectre, albeit renamed due to rights issues surrounding that name and the Blofeld character. While, as a Bond aficionado (since TBS' 1995 "13 Days of 007", timed to the release of Goldeneye), I'd have preferred Spectre named as the group, Quantum is perfectly serviceable, and world's better than "Octopus", the fill-in name used in the "From Russia With Love" video game, and "SCUM", from James Bond Jr. (which, fittingly, I adored when I was 9 year old and had all of the action figures and vehicles for). Additionally, I find it awfully neat that there's a recurring bad guy in Mr. White, who, if wikipedia is to be trusted, was to have been killed in an alternate ending for the film which was unused to give the filmmakers flexibility for the next film, should they choose not to continue the Quantum storyline.


I put up the Christmas decorations the other day. I always hate having to get the trees out of storage since they're in the far part of the laundry room, tucked way down under one of the shelves. And last year, for some reason, I thought it a good idea to put the trees (yes I have two of them, since my dad wanted to have a second tree because he's a dope) in garbage bags, since the boxes they'd been kept in were falling to pieces. I've resolved to buy plastic bins to keep the trees and ornaments in when it's time to put them away this time, because, naturally, it's going to fall on me to have to deal with all that bloody mess in January.

So, terribly sorry I didn't get back sooner with these scintillating thoughts and anecdotes. I'd hate to think I've let down the folks who've stumbled on my blog, especially since I've shot myself in the foot with that pledge of new content weekly and I'm too lazy to change it. Meh.

Y'anyway.... here's some youtube stuff. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Aw rats...

She-Hulk's been canceled too. Which is another kick in the head. I've never understood why She-Hulk didn't catch on -- I mean, it's everything you like about regular Hulk, but with breasts!

In any event it's a shame, since the writing and artwork have been really clicking lately. At least it made it to it's fiftieth issue (the final one being #38, combined with the previous volume of twelve issues that immediately preceded this run).

Why, all these comic book cancellations have made me...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Cancellation Blues

Today I found out one of my favorite television programs and one of my favorite comic titles have been canceled. Pushing Daisies appears to have halted production with it's thirteenth episode, and Blue Beetle will probably be ending in a few months.

Aside from being a kick in the head, this comes after several other kicks in the head as no less than seven other comic titles I've been following are ending over the next four months, and another show, King of the Hill, has been axed as well. And on top of all that, two other comics I've enjoyed a great deal, Justice League Unlimited and Checkmate, have ended over the past few months as well.

To be fair, a few of the titles ending are being relaunched in some form or another -- Birds of Prey, the Flash, Nightwing, Robin as Gotham Girls, Flash: Rebirth, Red Robin, and Batman and Robin -- but it's not the same. Kick in the head is what it all is I tell you.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

One Last Election '08 Bit to Get Out of my System...

The Obama-Lantern. The face stencil care of the Associated Press, but the "HOPE" is care of an exacto-knife and my steady hand.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

However Momentarily, My Faith in Humanity Has Been Restored

That's all. What a night, huh.

Edited to add: Best quote of the evening, from Mark Evanier:

"Obama Wins Ohio. It's not over. McCain could still carry all the houses he owns."

Here's President Obama's victory speech. I don't mind saying that as the music swelled near the end I started to tear up.

"Yes We Can" vs. "Crumping We Can Believe In"

It's on! Awwwww yeeeeeaahh.

Election '08 Is Finally Upon Us

The US election is finally here, so with this momentous day finally upon us I can think of no better way to reflect on the days that brought us here, the long months of debate, and the future that lay ahead, than with a video of the Transformers getting drunk.

Good luck, and God bless.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Three Reasons....

Here's three reasons why "The Kids in the Hall" should be better recognized than it is. I mean, after I went to their live show a few months back (which you keeners may recall me mentioning previously), the waitress at the restaurant we went to afterward asked if they were some kind of a band or something. You ask me, their show should be on more often. And not just on MTV 2, because really now, who actually watches that?

As far as I'm concerned here's what folks should be referring to when they say "Canadian humor". Hope you like them as much as I do.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Favorite Song, and a Few Observations

Here's a couple of youtube clips featuring my absolutely favorite song, "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow". My favorite version is by the Shirelles, but some of the other versions --particularly the one by Dusty Springfield (who, for years, I'd assumed was a man) -- are pretty good. But before we get to that, here are the aforementioned observations.

I voted in the election held a short time ago. For anyone outside Canada, you vote for your local MP (Member of Parliament) and the party with the most MPs has it's leader elected Prime Minister. Needless to say, this is the fifth election I've voted in, and since my candidate didn't win, my success rate is 1-4.

I've been thinking about throwing a US election night party, but there are two things holding me back from going forward with it: 1) I doubt I'd be able to keep my friends focused on the election coverage and we'd just wind up playing Mario Kart and NFL 09 like we do every other time we get together, and 2) if McCain wins I am going to be awfully cheesed off, which won't be fun for anyone. Still, it could be fun I suppose.

The price of Marvel Comics in Canada went up 50 cents last week, and DC is likely to follow suit soon too. My local comic shop has already raised the price of DC titles to match Marvel because they're losing too much at the current prices. A bit of a kick in the head, but it's not too bad since I get a pretty good discount as a regular customer. And since four of the titles I follow have been cancelled (Amazing Spider-Girl, Checkmate, The Flash, and Manhunter), the timing works out. Unfortunately though, since I really like Spider-Girl, the Flash, and Manhunter. Checkmate I was probably going to drop anyway. I shudder to think what it's going to be if Marvel raises the prices in the US. I'd really come to believe that a $4.25 comic was a thing of the past.

Anyway, onto the music:

The Shirelles:

Amy Winehouse:

Carole King:

Elton John:

Dusty Springfield:

Brenda Lee:

The Bee Gees:

Cilla Black:


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Things I Should Probably Know By Now But Am Too Lazy To Find Out For Certain

How long does it take to hard boil and egg?

How often should you water a plant?

How long should you lather shampoo before rinsing it out?

How long should an oven pre-heat before putting something in?

What exactly is Twitter?

Why do some TV shows run for seven-eight years, while others barely manage two or three?

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Proof There's Hope For Me Yet

Today my train of thought somehow drifted toward Star Wars, specifically the creature names Bantha and Wampa. And for the life of me, I couldn't figure out which of those was that ostrich-kind of wooly thing that Luke Skywalker rode on in the second Star Wars film. To be honest, I'm not even sure if Wampa is actually a Star Wars name or something I thought of that sounds enough like a Star Wars name that I start to believe it is.

But still, the fact I can't tell which is the name at least proves I'm not so consumed by my nerdish leanings. Right? I suppose the fact I was randomly thinking about Star Wars sort of cancels that out though.

Monday, October 06, 2008

"The Simpsons" on Election '08

Funny, but wouldn't Homer have voted for McCain. Come on, an easily impressed "Joe-Sixpack" with conservative values who once bought several copies of an album because he was warned if he didn't "Al Qaeda would win"? This is from the upcoming Halloween special though, so you can chalk it up to the fact things are generally askew in those episodes.

On another note, despite my (some would say fervent) interest in the 2008 US election, I'm pleased to say that I've arguably spent more time following my own national election than I have before. Not enough to bother blogging about it or anything, but more than I've spent the last few times I've voted. Why I even watched a few minutes of one of our debates before tuning out because it was in french.

(And don't get mad for the Joe-sixpack bit -- I borrowed it from Sarah Palin.)

The Useless Thought Wading Through My Head At This Moment...

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Sarah Palin Quote Generator

Here's a sampling:

"It's very important when you consider even the leadership qualities of the evil in the world."

"Some decisions that have been made poorly, with his warnings proving that he can work both sides of the aisle."

"With his warnings two years ago about being the beacon of light the road that America may find itself on."

"What I think Americans at the end of the day are going to be able to go back and look at with his warnings and I would hope that's the case."

"It is for no more politics as usual and that is what America needs today has to be considered also."

"We can't afford to lose the dealings with Freddie and Fannie, not as competitive, scary thing, but one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today."

Check it out for yourself. It's the next best thing to having an awkward, confusing interview with the real Sarah Palin.

Inquiring Minds Ask: "Did Spider-Man Sleep With a Married Woman?"

Now you can question the validity and necessity of such a question in times such as these when things are unquestionably tumultuous around the world, both politically and economically, especially when the subject in question refers to a couple of comic book panels from a story published 30 years ago. But if I did that it'd make me a hypocrite for all of the nonsense I've wasted time debating over the years. Besides -- it's pretty obvious he did. But to lessen the blow (no pun intended -- whoops, there goes the 'G' rating), she was in the middle of a messy separation and when the ball-and-chain confronted good ol' Spidey, he roughed him up some.

Even Spider-Man deserves "a good break" every "now and then" too, right? A tip of the hat to the fellow who added "Peter should be happy that the caption said two hours later and not ‘an awkward, unfulfilling 15 minutes later’". That tickled me.

Images Care of Comics Should Be Good: Did Spider-Man Sleep With a Married Woman?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Just a thought...

But when do you think movie studios are going to stop having to put those warnings on DVD boxes because people have realized that the black bars on the top and bottom of the picture are normal. Seems like folks would've realized it's normal by now, what with widescreen TVs and all. Just a thought.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Been Feeling a Little Bowling Ball-ish

I was hoping to pop in here the other day, but found myself feeling unexpectedly run-down and lethargic on Wednesday. After sleeping more than usual, I woke up Thursday feeling a little congested. I note that, unless I've mentioned it before, I have really bad allergies. Like the kind that, when I get hit pretty hard, it's the equivalent of having the worst kind of flu bug. I'm allergic to pollen, ragweed, dander, cut grass, cats, dairy products, and am particularly sensitive to flowers, perfumes and colognes, and cheap cigarettes.

So yesterday, while seeing my dietitian, I started getting so congested it was like I'd been hit upside the head by a bowling ball and stuck in a fog. On the way home I swung by the comic shop to get my books and without realizing it forgot to get a few titles (in my haze I can't recall if I just somehow missed them or if they'd sold out by that point). After trying to keep productive while tilting my head back so I wasn't sniffling every five seconds, I passed out, waking up long enough during the night to catch the Daily Show, before waking up this morning. Feeling much better now, even if that cloudy numbness hasn't subsided. At least I can actually breathe now.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Most Perfect Minute of Television...

It starts part-way through The Simpsons episode "The Itchy and Scratchy Movie" with the scene of Bart and Homer eating popsicles outside the house while Homer explains how he avoided jury duty ("The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races"), and ends with Marge asking if Homer wants Bart to "become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or a sleazy male stripper?". To which he replies, "can't he be both, like the late Earl Warren?".

Probably the most perfect minute of television you're going to find.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Four Things About the Sub-Mariner...

1. I'm glad he's started appearing more often in the black pants with black open shirt outfit (pictured above), as opposed to the green trunks (see #3).

2. The pronunciation of 'Sub-Mariner' as 'Sub-Mareener' in that awful Captain America movie gets on my nerves, something awful.

3. I'm surprised Marvel's never tried to give him a boy sidekick named "Subby". Seems a natural.

4. I passed by that guy dressed as the Sub-Mariner at the Toronto Fan Expo last weekend, and I don't know if it shows in the photos, but those shorts were really tight.

Re: Teen Titans #62

Through some odd twist of fate I happened to avoid the hoopla that briefly erupted online and read Teen Titans #62 before seeing the reaction to it's contents. Contrary to the image pictured above, the otherwise gentle story of the friendly trio of Wonderdog, Wendy and Marvin pictured above comes to a shocking end halfway through the issue when *spoiler* Wonderdog mauls Marvin to death and appears to eat Wendy.

A shocking twist, all things considered? Sure. It caught me totally off guard and the suspense building was handled remarkably well. That said, is it really the best idea for DC to put out a Teen Titans comic where this kind of thing happens? Some folks were concerned a parent would see the issue and pick it up based on the name recognition of the property (the Teen Titans cartoon isn't that old, and even reaired on the CW this summer) and the all-ages-ness of the cover. Not to mention that it's another notch on DC's ever-growing list of dead teenagers, and yet another example of the unnecessary bleak stories DC's been putting out for far too long.

Would I recommend this issue? Maybe to a friend who doesn't follow the Teen Titans comic to catch them off-guard. But to regular readers who are sick of DC's output of stories focusing on death, rape, and destruction, it's more of the same, and the tonal shift mid-way through might be enough to put them off DC altogether.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Long Weekend

Went to the Toronto Fan Expo this past weekend, and was awfully sore the next day. Most of that had to do with the four and a half hours I spent in various lines at the show (my feet and back were killing me), but my hands and left shoulder were also aching from lugging stuff around. Still, I got a few nice things including an Aquaman maquette for 25 bucks, a hardcover collecting the first Ennis/Dillon Punisher run for 15, and the Essential Godzilla for 5. Not to mention the stuff I got signed that almost makes up for time I spent in line to get them.

I also noticed that there was an almost surprising number of attractive women at the show. Granted from what I could tell they were either there for the Japanese anime stuff, with their boyfriends, or working, but curious nonetheless. After the fact I realized that both times I passed a woman in a skimpy metal bikini top handing out copies of a book titled "Looking for Group" (whatever that means), I unabashedly stared at her chest, but I can't say I feel too bad about that since, really, she wouldn't have worn that if she didn't want the attention. Still, in hindsight I could've been a little more discreet about the whole thing.

After a relatively unproductive Sunday spent soaking the tub for several hours, I wound up feeling pretty stuffed up for the first time this summer -- for all the discomfort caused by the moisture and humidity this summer, it's been nice actually being able to breath -- and slept through most of Tuesday doped up on Sinutab.

Finally here's a funny video I came across. Granted I'm not the biggest Danny Bonaduce fan (what's the deal with this guy anyway? Is he only known for the Partridge Family or did I miss something along the way) but it's kind of nice seeing him throw around that guy from Survivor.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

You know...

...I was just thinking about the Tangent: Superman's Reign comic book (issue 6 on sale now), and I'd probably buy a "Brave and the Bold" style title by Dan Jurgens and Jamal Igle. Don't know if Igle's going to stick with the title once his run on Supergirl starts up or if they've ever worked together before this title, but they're really gelling as a team and I'm really enjoying their takes on Green Lantern and the Flash (John Stewart and Wally West, specifically).

...I tried watching "Gossip Girl" Monday night, but couldn't make it more than ten minutes into the episode. Not that it seemed to be a bad show or anything, and not to say I don't enjoy the prime time teen soap (I watched a lot of the first season of "The O.C."), but I really couldn't get past the fact that the teenagers on the show looked older than I am. Is it really too hard to find actors to play teens that actually look like teens or are *gasp* teenagers themselves?

...Salt and vinegar Pringles aren't that great, especially after having the salt and vinegar Lay's Stax chips. Those are pretty good. The Pringles... not so much.

...The Daily Show and the Colbert Report are in reruns at the moment, which is a kick in the head, but on the bright side they seem to have picked up on this so there's fewer reruns these days than in years past. I'd still prefer they not just rerun the prior weeks episodes during a repeat week though. But I still watch it all the same, so who am I to complain?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

McCain: Dazed and Confused

Warning: May cause discomfort to his supporters and/or people with elderly relatives of negligible awareness.

Friday, August 08, 2008

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets