Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Aw rats...

She-Hulk's been canceled too. Which is another kick in the head. I've never understood why She-Hulk didn't catch on -- I mean, it's everything you like about regular Hulk, but with breasts!

In any event it's a shame, since the writing and artwork have been really clicking lately. At least it made it to it's fiftieth issue (the final one being #38, combined with the previous volume of twelve issues that immediately preceded this run).

Why, all these comic book cancellations have made me...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Cancellation Blues

Today I found out one of my favorite television programs and one of my favorite comic titles have been canceled. Pushing Daisies appears to have halted production with it's thirteenth episode, and Blue Beetle will probably be ending in a few months.

Aside from being a kick in the head, this comes after several other kicks in the head as no less than seven other comic titles I've been following are ending over the next four months, and another show, King of the Hill, has been axed as well. And on top of all that, two other comics I've enjoyed a great deal, Justice League Unlimited and Checkmate, have ended over the past few months as well.

To be fair, a few of the titles ending are being relaunched in some form or another -- Birds of Prey, the Flash, Nightwing, Robin as Gotham Girls, Flash: Rebirth, Red Robin, and Batman and Robin -- but it's not the same. Kick in the head is what it all is I tell you.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

One Last Election '08 Bit to Get Out of my System...

The Obama-Lantern. The face stencil care of the Associated Press, but the "HOPE" is care of an exacto-knife and my steady hand.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

However Momentarily, My Faith in Humanity Has Been Restored

That's all. What a night, huh.

Edited to add: Best quote of the evening, from Mark Evanier:

"Obama Wins Ohio. It's not over. McCain could still carry all the houses he owns."

Here's President Obama's victory speech. I don't mind saying that as the music swelled near the end I started to tear up.

"Yes We Can" vs. "Crumping We Can Believe In"

It's on! Awwwww yeeeeeaahh.

Election '08 Is Finally Upon Us

The US election is finally here, so with this momentous day finally upon us I can think of no better way to reflect on the days that brought us here, the long months of debate, and the future that lay ahead, than with a video of the Transformers getting drunk.

Good luck, and God bless.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Three Reasons....

Here's three reasons why "The Kids in the Hall" should be better recognized than it is. I mean, after I went to their live show a few months back (which you keeners may recall me mentioning previously), the waitress at the restaurant we went to afterward asked if they were some kind of a band or something. You ask me, their show should be on more often. And not just on MTV 2, because really now, who actually watches that?

As far as I'm concerned here's what folks should be referring to when they say "Canadian humor". Hope you like them as much as I do.

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