Monday, September 29, 2008

The Sarah Palin Quote Generator

Here's a sampling:

"It's very important when you consider even the leadership qualities of the evil in the world."

"Some decisions that have been made poorly, with his warnings proving that he can work both sides of the aisle."

"With his warnings two years ago about being the beacon of light the road that America may find itself on."

"What I think Americans at the end of the day are going to be able to go back and look at with his warnings and I would hope that's the case."

"It is for no more politics as usual and that is what America needs today has to be considered also."

"We can't afford to lose the dealings with Freddie and Fannie, not as competitive, scary thing, but one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today."

Check it out for yourself. It's the next best thing to having an awkward, confusing interview with the real Sarah Palin.

Inquiring Minds Ask: "Did Spider-Man Sleep With a Married Woman?"

Now you can question the validity and necessity of such a question in times such as these when things are unquestionably tumultuous around the world, both politically and economically, especially when the subject in question refers to a couple of comic book panels from a story published 30 years ago. But if I did that it'd make me a hypocrite for all of the nonsense I've wasted time debating over the years. Besides -- it's pretty obvious he did. But to lessen the blow (no pun intended -- whoops, there goes the 'G' rating), she was in the middle of a messy separation and when the ball-and-chain confronted good ol' Spidey, he roughed him up some.

Even Spider-Man deserves "a good break" every "now and then" too, right? A tip of the hat to the fellow who added "Peter should be happy that the caption said two hours later and not ‘an awkward, unfulfilling 15 minutes later’". That tickled me.

Images Care of Comics Should Be Good: Did Spider-Man Sleep With a Married Woman?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Just a thought...

But when do you think movie studios are going to stop having to put those warnings on DVD boxes because people have realized that the black bars on the top and bottom of the picture are normal. Seems like folks would've realized it's normal by now, what with widescreen TVs and all. Just a thought.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Been Feeling a Little Bowling Ball-ish

I was hoping to pop in here the other day, but found myself feeling unexpectedly run-down and lethargic on Wednesday. After sleeping more than usual, I woke up Thursday feeling a little congested. I note that, unless I've mentioned it before, I have really bad allergies. Like the kind that, when I get hit pretty hard, it's the equivalent of having the worst kind of flu bug. I'm allergic to pollen, ragweed, dander, cut grass, cats, dairy products, and am particularly sensitive to flowers, perfumes and colognes, and cheap cigarettes.

So yesterday, while seeing my dietitian, I started getting so congested it was like I'd been hit upside the head by a bowling ball and stuck in a fog. On the way home I swung by the comic shop to get my books and without realizing it forgot to get a few titles (in my haze I can't recall if I just somehow missed them or if they'd sold out by that point). After trying to keep productive while tilting my head back so I wasn't sniffling every five seconds, I passed out, waking up long enough during the night to catch the Daily Show, before waking up this morning. Feeling much better now, even if that cloudy numbness hasn't subsided. At least I can actually breathe now.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Most Perfect Minute of Television...

It starts part-way through The Simpsons episode "The Itchy and Scratchy Movie" with the scene of Bart and Homer eating popsicles outside the house while Homer explains how he avoided jury duty ("The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races"), and ends with Marge asking if Homer wants Bart to "become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or a sleazy male stripper?". To which he replies, "can't he be both, like the late Earl Warren?".

Probably the most perfect minute of television you're going to find.
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