Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Office Recut

Hi there. Haven't been doing a whole lot lately. Thinks've been fine, I suppose. Not great though. Trying to keep busy but've fallen behind on a few things. But enough about me. Here's a funny Office trailer-ish recut clip.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Mood as Music

Hi there. Sorry again for not having much to say lately. I'm hoping to have some interesting stuff to write about down the line, but since I'm busy on stuff that's not quite ready to post about and since my moods been down lately, I haven't got a whole lot to say. In lieu of that, here's a song that describes how I've been feeling lately. Hope you like it.


Sunday, August 01, 2010

The F**k?

Seriously. The f**k?

Apologies for the implied strong language, but this is too bizarre to actually be real.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trailer Thoughts

Hi there.

Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but there've been a few movie trailers that really made me want to see the movie's advertised. Which seems obvious, since, really, isn't that the job of a trailer, to create interest. There were three trailers off the top of my head that were really great and made me really excited to see the movies, only to... ah, I was underwhelmed when I finally did get around to seeing them. Not to say they were all bad, but only one of the movies turned out to be that good. One was downright awful. I'll let you, dear reader, figure out which movie was the good one. Actually, if the trailer weren't so darn great the movie would probably seem better for me. By comparison however, it's not as great as the two and a half minute preview.


Note: Sorry there's only two trailers. Guess it narrows down the process of figuring out which was the good movie, and which was dreck. I was going to include the Daredevil trailer here since I remembered it as being quite good, but... meh, aside from a decent final thirty second montage it isn't that great.

Note #2: Odd they're both Nicholas Cage movies. Even more pecular is that I was considering adding Matchstick Men, but I actually enjoyed that film more than the trailer (which was pretty decent).


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Doesn't This Just Look Like the Worst Thing Ever?

Doesn't this poster for The Killers just look awful? I don't even know what to say. The previews for this film didn't do much for me, but cripes... look at this poster? Katherine Heigl's holding a gun wrong. Hilarious. And look at Ashton Kutcher's reaction. Uh oh. He's exasperated. I honestly believe anyone who finds this amusing should be beaten with a pillow case full of rocks, I truly do. And yes, that's a bit of an extreme reaction, I admit. But really, this is just asinine.

In all fairness though I'm probably less angered by the overall lousiness of this poster than the fact that a bunch of folks thought this was clever promotion and paid to unleash this on the world. Cripes. This is so lousy it makes the poster for Old Dogs with it's creepy wax John Travolta look good.

I know -- looks pretty life-like right. You almost believe it's really John Travolta and not a creepy wax double.

...Sorry I'm being a snickerpuss today. Didn't sleep well. At least I'm picking on good targets.


Wednesday, June 02, 2010

My New Yorker Caption Entry...

Hi there.

Sorry I haven't been around lately. A lot going on and not enough time to take care of it all. In the meantime, here's my entry for this week's New Yorker caption contest:

"Naturally, I blame you for this"

Hilarious right? I'll admit, it was hard coming up with something that wasn't blatently obvious or probably a rip-off of a gag they made on "Hee-Haw". Even then... meh, I'm not unimpressed with myself here, but I wouldn't brag about this one.

Ha. "Hee-Haw". That's a dated reference even for me.


Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Fun With Youtube IX

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Been a little busy lately is all. To make up for the absence here's some random junk off Youtube. Enjoy.... ?


Monday, April 12, 2010

Wyoming is Terrific!

According to Google Analytics I've yet to receive a single visitor from the great state of Wyoming, so to improve my stats in that area I just thought I'd share a word or two about Wyoming, home of the majestic mountain range and Yellowstone National Park. The birthplace of such notables as Matthew Fox, Larry Wilcox, and former Vice President Dick Cheney. And how about the Triceratops, Wyoming's state dinosaur, or it's state flower, the Plains Cottonwood?

You ask me the only thing that's square about Wyoming is it's shape on a map. So here's to Wyoming, "The Equality State"!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Updates? (again)

Hi there. Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. Haven't a whole lot to say is all, I suppose. Things've been fine lately. Not the greatest, but I've been writing, or at least trying to, and I've started, for some reason or another, adapting my TDSA (The Teenaged Defending Squad of America) screenplay into a comic book, making use of my fairly unimpressive drawing skills. I'm hoping to get through the first act and go from there, and I'm already ten pages in, with another ten laid out and ready to go. I'll post pages at some point I'm sure. By the way, I assure you that TDSA is better than it sounds. I mean, it's as corny as you're thinking (probably), but it's not terrible. I promise.

Anyway, to make up for the absence, here's the trailer for the hilarious "thriller" Birdemic. Oh my god, this thing is hilarious. Ha. Ah... but seriously, it looks pretty awful.

Have a good day.


Monday, March 08, 2010

My Reaction to the 2010 Oscars

Glad I won some cash betting on the winners with a friend. Surprised by how bland the bits with the presenters were. Still fail to grasp the appeal of Kristen Stewart. Thought it was hilarious that they played "I am Woman" when Kathryn Bigelow won her best director Oscar.

I mean, come on. That was just asinine. Ha.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sorry Folks...

Sorry I haven't been posting around much around here lately. Things just haven't been that great lately for me. My mood's been down so it's been hard to get things done and even with the anxiety support group I went to for a few weeks there I still find it hard to get around to things that've been sitting in my "to do" pile without feeling my panic levels rising or feeling massive amounts of guilt for having put them off for so long.

So yeah, it's not that I don't simply avoid blogging, but sometimes I feel like I've betrayed my "updated weekly" bit and it's just easier to not update rather than deal with that. Which is pretty rotten all around. Unless you don't care for my writing, in which case thanks for slogging through this whole thing.

Sorry to unload this here. I'll try to have the next one be a little more upbeat and irreverent. Maybe something about... ah... what's that weiner's name? The Situation?

Anyway, have a good day.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Retro Spider-Man Video Game Commercial

Does the Green Goblin actually boast about having a "gang of Nazis", or have I just misheard that entirely?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Am I a Bad Person...

Does not wanting to watch the "Hope for Haiti" telethons make me a bad person? I tried watching the "Canada for Haiti" telethon, but it was so dull I couldn't stand it. The band that came on was pretty lousy, although I admit that they were probably just not my thing and others may have enjoyed them. But the banter from the hosts was simply exhausting. I have no idea what Ben Mulroney was talking about at one point, but he'd have been better served piping down and letting Rachel McAdams speak up. And the less said about Brent Butt's pre-taped "comedy bit" the better. I figured by pledging I did my part though, and now I'm watching the Simpsons and Justice League with relatively little guilt. Barely more than I usually have hanging over me.

But still, does not watching it make me a bad person? Probably. I'm not though.
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