Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trailer Thoughts

Hi there.

Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but there've been a few movie trailers that really made me want to see the movie's advertised. Which seems obvious, since, really, isn't that the job of a trailer, to create interest. There were three trailers off the top of my head that were really great and made me really excited to see the movies, only to... ah, I was underwhelmed when I finally did get around to seeing them. Not to say they were all bad, but only one of the movies turned out to be that good. One was downright awful. I'll let you, dear reader, figure out which movie was the good one. Actually, if the trailer weren't so darn great the movie would probably seem better for me. By comparison however, it's not as great as the two and a half minute preview.


Note: Sorry there's only two trailers. Guess it narrows down the process of figuring out which was the good movie, and which was dreck. I was going to include the Daredevil trailer here since I remembered it as being quite good, but... meh, aside from a decent final thirty second montage it isn't that great.

Note #2: Odd they're both Nicholas Cage movies. Even more pecular is that I was considering adding Matchstick Men, but I actually enjoyed that film more than the trailer (which was pretty decent).


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