Monday, October 29, 2012

TDSA This Week

Hi there.

Not much to update on TDSA. I had the idea of making a few extra bucks by selling copies of TDSA in the broken-up-to-be-sold-digitally format. As I recall, the five chapters were around 60 pages (at the most), maybe 40 at the least, so if I sell them for 3 bucks or so a piece I'd see something on it. Basically I'm still looking for the cheapest way to get it all out there and both get people to read the bloody thing while seeing a return on it.

Meanwhile I've heard back from a few of the emails I've sent out across the internet to get reviews. At least one fellow has even mentioned the solicitation and upcoming review in an actual posting, which is encouraging. At this point I'm so hungry to get word out there I don't even care if the reviews I do get are negative, so long as they start showing up.

Anyhoo, things are slightly more optimistic than before, but barely if that. But slightly is better than worse, I suppose.

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